The European Halal Certification Institute (EHZ) is sponsored by the Islamic Community Millî Görüş (IGMG).

The IGMG is an Islamic religious community. Its aim is to convey and cultivate the Islamic faith, its implementation in all social contexts and the fulfillment of the Quranic commandments. Furthermore, the IGMG represents its members in social affairs and advocates the safeguarding of their basic rights.

The IGMG’s understanding of Islam is based on the Quran and the Sunna. This means that it is based on the standards of the Quran and the Sunna of the Prophet across geographical boundaries and traditional cultural areas. Every believer is responsible for implementing these religious values in all individual and social areas of their lives.

IGMG regards various forms of religious practice based on the Quran, the Sunna as well as consensus (Idschmāʿ) and analogy (Qiyās) as an enrichment of religious and social life.